Sermons by Pastor Sellnow

115 of 40 items

Stand Firm in the Word

Download Life Guide On February 20th of 1862 Willie Lincoln, the eleven-year-old son of President Abraham Lincoln, died of Typhoid fever. This wasn’t the first time the Lincoln’s had experienced this kind of grief. Twelve years earlier their second son, Edward, had died at the age of five. But the death of Willie seemed to […]

First things first

Tomorrow is a day where many of us will resolve to not only start the new year fresh but to keep our slate clean as we improve on the things we didn’t quite get right this year. But no matter what your New Year’s Resolutions might be, I think you’d all agree that when it […]

How God reveals his mystery

The murderer stood there soaked in his own sweat and sprayed with blood. He held his weapon of choice in his trembling hand as his victim’s blood dripped off of it and onto the old books he had knocked off the shelf during the struggle. If he cleaned himself up quickly he could probably get […]

Baptism prepares you for the coming of Christ

Download Life Guide Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone… December is upon us… and it’s that time of year again. It’s time to get ready for…that’s right… Christmas. For millions of Americans, and I’m sure for many of you here today, the Christmas preparations are already underway. Black Friday, and Small Business Saturday, and Cyber […]

Just by Faith

Download Life Guide 500 years ago, as Martin Luther wrestled with his standing before God, it was the book of Romans that finally opened his eyes to the truth about how God views sinners and saves them. And for Luther it all had to do with the word: righteousness. It was in the year 1519, […]

How can I forgive you?

Download Life Guide “How can I forgive you?” It’s the question the middle-school girl asks, if only in her own mind, of her classmates who treat her like an outsider and whisper behind her back every day. “How can I forgive you?” It’s the question the middle-aged woman asks, if only in her own mind, […]

God’s surprising grace

Download Life Guide If you’d never heard the story of Rahab of Jericho before… the events that unfold in Joshua chapter 2 may seem pretty intense… you got spies, a prostitute, a king in panic… a frantic search, a cover-up in the dead of night, a thrilling escape… It sounds more like a Hollywood thriller […]

Are you satisfied?

Download Life Guide He was never quite satisfied. His mother Monica was a Christian, but his father wasn’t and he grew up never feeling a connection to Christianity. In fact, for much of his early life he searched for answers everywhere but the Bible. In his autobiography he wrote about a time as teenager when […]

The Harvest is Plentiful

Download Life Guide In their most recent study the Pew Research Center reported that of the over 7 billion people on earth roughly 30 % of them are Christian. The most recent estimates put the number of total deaths on this planet at about 150,000 people per day… or an average of 2 people each […]

The LORD is My Shepherd

Download Life Guide It was just another day in the hill country outside of Bethlehem. As David woke up he looked north and saw the hills rise into the Judean mountain range. He scanned the horizon and began his count… for a shepherd-boy, counting sheep was not a task to do as he drifted to […]

Who is this?

It seems like this time of year people are always asking the question, “Who is this?” when it comes to Jesus. Each year around Holy Week and Easter you’ll find magazines and books and T.V. shows exploring that question… and offering various answers… but of course this is not a new phenomenon… Throughout the ages […]

Hide and Seek

Download Life Guide This past Wednesday we began what is known in the Christian church as the season of Lent. Did you know that Lent is just a shortened version of on Old English word that means “Spring- time”? I found that a little ironic as I walked through half a foot of snow to […]

What does the Lord require of you?

Download Life Guide “If only these wall could talk.” Maybe you’ve heard people say this when talking about historic buildings or landmarks. Some of you would probably love to hear what the walls have to say from inside the White House… or maybe in the office of Ted Thomson or Mike McCarthy… or in the […]

What’s in a name?

Download Life Guide Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet. Two names most of you are familiar with. They meet and fall in love in William Shakespeare’s tale of “star-cross’d lovers.” The story of Romeo and Juliet is a tale that is doomed from the start since these two young lovers are members of two warring families. […]