Sermons by Pastor Schreiner

115 of 66 items

Two Powerful Miracles

When I was 4 years old, I had a chance to be a hero. I was at my cousin’s birthday party, running around in the backyard. We ended up behind the swing set, where with impeccable timing, my cousin’s head and a backwards-traveling swing met at the same place, at the wrong time. As the […]

Eyes of Faith When the Vision’s Bleak

Download Life Guide Download Leader’s Life Guide I want you to imagine yourself in two hypothetical scenarios. Then, I want you to then tell me in which scenario you’d have an easier time trusting. Scenario A: You’re sick. The doctors have performed countless tests and consulted with numerous experts from across the country, but everyone’s […]

The King We Need

Download Life Guide   The King We Need In 2008, it was all about hope for the future. From the iconic “Hope” posters, to the “O” logo with the rising sun symbolizing a new day, to the slogan “Change We Can Believe In,” Barack Obama’s campaign sought to convince voters that America needed future-focused changes, […]

Take Him Away!

Julia was 13 when her heart stopped beating in a junior high classroom. She’d had a heart condition since birth, and it had worsened. After restarting her heart with an AED, paramedics rushed Julia to the hospital, where doctors determined the only way to sustain her life was through a heart transplant. Julia waited in […]

A Life of Fruitful Repentance

Download Life Guide  “When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, “Repent” (Mt 4:17), he willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance.” Anyone know where that’s from? Martin Luther wrote that in his 95 Theses, 95 propositions intended to spark debate about some of the Catholic church’s teachings and practice. In […]

A Champion…for You

Download Life Guide  Two warriors meet in a desolate no-man’s land, armed and ready for battle. They fight not only for their own personal fame and fortune, but as substitutes, representatives of the army they belong to. These ancient warriors were called “Champions.” The best warriors their people could offer. Sometimes as an appetizer to […]

Love for the Undeserving

Download Life Guide It had been 22 years since they’d sold him. As he was led away towards a life of slavery, you can imagine the terrified 17-year old’s eyes, searching his brothers for any sign of compassion or love. He found none. But now, two decades later, he was looking down at their terrified […]

Accomplish Something Great

Download Life Guide In a recent book called “The Millennials,” author Thom Rainer reports that “96% of millennials believe they will someday accomplish something great” with their lives. That might not seem all that surprising. After all, regardless of the generation, not too many kids dream of growing up to be total slackers, right? But […]

Numbering Our Days Aright

Richard Overton passed away last Thursday. If you’re wondering who Richard Overton is, let me tell you a little about him. Richard Overton served in the U.S. Army during WWII, fighting at places like Pearl Harbor, Okinawa, and Iwo Jima, surviving them all unscathed. He lived out the rest of his days in a house […]

A Light in the Darkness

It was August 5, 2010. In the San Jose copper and gold mine in northern Chile, a forty-five story tall block of granite broke loose and plunged through the levels of the mine. Portions of the mine’s exit ramp collapsed, trapping 33 miners nearly a half-mile deep in the earth. Hector Tobar, author of “Deep […]

Hope That Lets You Stand

Download Life Guide   “Drug overdoses and suicides caused drop in 2017 life expectancy.” “Christian missionary murdered in India.” “Camp Fire is deadliest and most destructive wildfire in California history.” “12 dead in Thousand Oaks shooting.” “7.0 magnitude earthquake rocks Alaska.” When you hear another day’s headlines that sound like this– natural disasters, war, division, persecution, […]

The Power of Weakness

Download Life Guide I’ve got a microphone here, and I’d like a volunteer to come up… and share all of their weaknesses and struggles with everyone. What, no takers? That’s not overly surprising. We don’t really like highlighting our weaknesses and struggles, right? Most people try burying their weaknesses so no one else sees them. […]

A Family Growing in Christ

Download Life Guide  It’s Thanksgiving, and you can’t wait to celebrate with your family. Pushing through the open front door, you expect to be warmly greeted. But instead, as you enter, a few family members glance up with half-hearted smiles. Others don’t even seem to notice you. As you sit down next to someone to […]