
115 of 28 items

The Promised Warrior

The Son of God Goes Forth to War The Promised Warrior The young man across the table was in tears. He was a big guy, athletic, muscular, smart, and broken. As capable as he was, his sin seemed bigger, temptations seemed stronger, Satan seemed sharper, and Jesus seemed like such a nice guy, that he […]

The Christian’s Quest

Download Life Guide   The Christian’s Quest I. What are you counting on? II. What are you pressing toward? (Philippians 3:7-14) But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. {8} What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my […]

Let’s Celebrate!

Download Life Guide  Today we’re looking at Jesus most famous parable, the story of the prodigal son which he told to two groups: sinners and Pharisees; Israel’s most hated and Israel’s most self-righteous. And most people interpret it as a feel-good story to comfort the sinners—and it is that. But that’s not the main point. […]

A Life of Fruitful Repentance

Download Life Guide  “When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, “Repent” (Mt 4:17), he willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance.” Anyone know where that’s from? Martin Luther wrote that in his 95 Theses, 95 propositions intended to spark debate about some of the Catholic church’s teachings and practice. In […]

See Jesus’ Determined Love

Download Life Guide  In the name of him who loves you, who longs for you, who will come for you, dear Christian friends, The young woman plopped herself onto the couch in my office in the dormitory. She wasn’t sure if she wanted her fiancé to become her husband. She loved him and he loved […]

A Champion…for You

Download Life Guide  Two warriors meet in a desolate no-man’s land, armed and ready for battle. They fight not only for their own personal fame and fortune, but as substitutes, representatives of the army they belong to. These ancient warriors were called “Champions.” The best warriors their people could offer. Sometimes as an appetizer to […]

Weak Fools for the Cross

Download Life Guide “Alexamenos worships his god.” Around 200 A.D., an unknown Roman citizen carved that phrase in Latin into a wall near the Palatine Hill in Rome. Accompanying the phrase was a crudely etched picture which depicts a young man, presumably “Alexamenos,” worshiping a man with a donkey head…hanging on a cross. You get […]

Consequences, Crosses, and Christ

Download Life Guide There’s an old phrase used by German theologians that I’ve always found interesting. “Das Liebe Kreuz.” For those who don’t “sprechen sie deutsch,” that means “The dear cross.” When you understand that the cross was a torture device used to execute the vilest criminals, “The dear cross” is kind of like saying, […]

God’s Word is Our Great Heritage

We are in the middle of the Lenten season, so I’d like to take some time to wish you a happy anniversary!   Not 25th, or 40th, or 50th- but 500th!   Of course, what I am referring to is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation which we are celebrating this year.  500 years ago, Martin Luther […]

Jesus is the Friend of Sinners

Download Life Guide Do you remember Steven Avery, the man featured in the documentary, “Making a Murderer”? Tell me, how would you feel if yesterday you learned that Steven Avery was released from prison and today he comes strolling into church and plops down in the pew beside you? How would you feel? Would you […]