Sermons by Pastor Schreiner

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Keep Looking Forward

Do you know the best way to catch a monkey? A weird question, I know, but trust me, it’s important! I remember watching an episode of some nature show on TV when I was a kid, and the host showed how hunters trap wild monkeys. They didn’t need guns, nets, or sophisticated equipment. All they […]

The End is Near…So Be Joyful!

If you’ve ever ventured downtown in a heavily populated city, you’ve probably seen them. Men, sometimes women, and even children, equipped with sandwich boards and bullhorns; holding cardboard signs, with a Sharpie scrawled message: THE END IS NEAR!  Spit flies from their lips as they scream at each passerby, “Repent, you sinners, or you’ll BURN […]

Does Marriage Matter?


1 out of every 2. According to recent research carried out by the American Psychological Association, 40-50% of marriages now end in divorce. Not surprisingly, with the large number of divorces, couples are living together before marriage more than ever before. A 2013 study reported that 75% of women 30 and younger had lived with […]

To Live Wisely, Be Filled!

Would you call yourself a wise person? Would you define your life as one wisely lived? You might think that’s kind of a subjective question. Some of you consider your life and think “Yeah, I think I am pretty wise from my experiences, from years of school and work.” But maybe you’re thinking of foolish […]

Paying it Forward

There’s a pretty prominent concept in our society called “paying it forward.” Anyone heard of it? For those who haven’t, it’s the idea is you do something nice for a stranger. Then, they’ll doing something nice for another stranger. A chain of nice grows person by person, and ideally these actions make the world a […]