Sermons by Pastor Schreiner

5160 of 66 items

See Your Savior, See Your Siblings

Download Life Guide Have you ever hugged a stranger? I’m not talking about someone you kinda know through a friend, or a co- worker you don’t really talk to. I’m talking a “never seen them in my life” stranger. Maybe you haven’t, but it does happen! Pretty often at sporting events actually. If you go […]

Jesus Loves the Little Children

Download Life Guide To prepare for this sermon, I Googled “What’s the most important thing you can do for children?” I got around 1.6 billion results! I didn’t have quite enough time to read through all of them, but there were a lot of different opinions. “Eating together as a family.” “Spending quality time together.” […]

What Does Love Look Like?

Download Life Guide Love is a big deal. Humans are wired with a natural craving to love and be loved, whether it’s romantic, familial, or friendly love. Love is at the very heart and core of human life, and I don’t think many would disagree. But in our society, a flood of disagreement rises over […]

Why Trust the Word?

Download Life Guide “Con artists use IRS scheme to target taxpayers.” “Con artist pretends to be grandson to steal thousands from elderly woman.” “Con artists pose as repairmen to enter victims’ homes.” Across the country, con artists and scammers, equipped with made-up stories and canned charm, are extorting people every day. Because of the prevalence […]

Do This in Remembrance of Me

Parents shouldn’t let their 16 year old son hit the road before he’s finished driver’s training. They shouldn’t let him fly down 41 going 70mph before he’s driven slow circles around a parking lot, because someone who isn’t properly prepared to drive can seriously injure themselves and others! We don’t just hand a person a […]

We Have No King but Caesar!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that we’re in the heart of political election season. Right now, candidates are duking it out to be their party’s candidate for the presidency, which means that in recent political debates, we’re seeing a lot of finger pointing and “flip flopping.” One candidate accuses, “My opponent […]

Watch Your Step!

Download Life Guide “Mind…the gap. Mind…the gap. Mind…the gap.” If you’ve ever used the London Underground subway system, then you might know that phrase. For those who don’t know, “mind the gap” is played on an audio loop over a loudspeaker each time a subway train pulls up to a station platform. Aside from being […]

Looking for a Miracle?

Download Life Guide Dad is dying. It’s cancer. The doctors have done everything they can, but it looks like he only has a few months to live. The family believes in God. They pray confidently every day because they know who God is and what he has the power to do. “God…we need a miracle. […]

One of Us, to Be One with Us

Download Life Guide Christmas is a time for family, isn’t it? With Christmas Eve and Christmas Day a few days in the rearview, you’ve probably already spent time with extended family at holiday parties. For many people, that makes Christmas a wonderful time of year! They love getting together with family; catching up and reminiscing […]

Repent with Rejoicing!

Download the Life Guide. A young boy, outraged that his little brother had the gall to play with his favorite dinosaur toy, smacks him. As his brother cries, Mom rushes in, sees what happened, and demands that the boy apologize. With his arms crossed, the boy squeezes out through a pouty face, “I’m sorry.” But […]