Sermons by Pastor Raasch

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Prepare the Way for the Lord…with Prayer

In our Advent services this year we have been focusing on the three ingredients which Martin Luther said that God uses to grow theologians. Those three ingredients, or three disciplines, if you will, are: meditation, prayer and testing. Or as they are sometimes called by their Latin names: Meditatio, Oratio and Tenatio. (Wait a minute. […]

Live with Jesus as Your King!

Download Life Guide  Today I’d like to begin with a quiz. Can anybody identify this man? Raise your hand if you can tell me who this is. Let me give you a hint.  His name is Bhomibol Adulyadej (pronounced Pooh me pon Ah doon yah day).  Still don’t know who it is? Don’t feel bad. […]

This Is BIG

Download Life Guide    Every so often, sometimes once or twice in a lifetime, a person gets to be a part of something really big. Something that kind of lifts our sights above the ordinary routine of life. Something that allows us to somehow serve a greater good. Something that we could not do by […]

Bring Salvation to the Ends of the Earth

Download Life Guide  The year was 1986. The place, Mequon Wisconsin. The event, call day at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. My bride-to-be and I sat in the auditorium waiting to hear where in the world I would be assigned to begin my career in the Pastoral Ministry. As you might expect, there were some nervous jitters. […]

There Was a War in Heaven

Download Life Guide  Tell me, have you ever thought about how your life today has been impacted by wars that were fought hundreds or even thousands of years ago? Do you realize how different your life would be if just one or two military battles somewhere in history had gone a different way? For example, […]

Christians Will Endure Persecution

Download Life Guide Just for a minute, I want you to imagine reading this ad in the newspaper or on Craigslist. For sale. 1997 Toyota Corolla. 285, 000 miles. Some rust. Needs brakes. AC does not work. Missing a fender. Won’t start. $5,000, firm. Tell me, does that sound like a car you’d want to […]

Jesus Intercedes for You

Download Life Guide Tell me, have you ever been in a situation where you knew you were in trouble with someone in authority? You broke the rules and you knew you would have to face the consequences. And the whole matter left you feeling a little sick to your stomach. I expect that we’ve all […]