Sermons by Pastor Raasch

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“I must lose my life!”

Download Life Guide Just for a minute, I want you to imagine that you’re having a family reunion at your house. Grandpa and grandma are there, aunts and uncles, some cousins. Everyone is laughing and having a good time—everyone except grandpa, that is. On this day, Grandpa seems a little distracted, not quite himself—until someone […]

Why some, and not others?

Tell me, have you ever wondered, “How can it be that two different people can hear the same Gospel of Jesus Christ, and one person believes it and the other person rejects it? How can it be that two children raised in the same family can end up at polar opposite ends of the religious […]

How Will You Deal with Persecution?

Download Life Guide Sometimes you see it in the headlines. Sometimes you don’t. In Libya, 21 Christians are put to the sword by ISIS fighters. In Egypt, Palm Sunday services are shattered by a bomb that kills dozens of Coptic Christians. In North Korea, hundreds, if not thousands, of Christian men, women and children are […]

Jesus is Praying for You

Download Life Guide I’ve been thinking a lot about my nephew Caleb lately. Two weeks ago Caleb Raasch finished his first year at Martin Luther College, studying to be a pastor. He tells me he loves Latin. Loves Greek. Well, last Monday, Caleb left for boot camp, because in addition to studying for the ministry, […]

Who will be your God?

Download Life Guide Tell me, have you ever wondered whether what you believe is actually the truth? For example, out of all the different religions in the world, how do you know that yours is the right one? How do you know that your God, the God of the Bible, is the True God? How […]

Jesus is the Friend of Sinners

Download Life Guide Do you remember Steven Avery, the man featured in the documentary, “Making a Murderer”? Tell me, how would you feel if yesterday you learned that Steven Avery was released from prison and today he comes strolling into church and plops down in the pew beside you? How would you feel? Would you […]

Repent: Turn to Jesus; Don’t Turn Away

Tell me, what does the word “repent” mean to you? I think that for many people the word has a very negative connotation. They imagine some church official saying, “Ve have vays of making you repent!”  But actually, the biblical definition of repentance is not a negative one.  The Greek word for repent is metanoia. […]