Sermons by Pastor Raasch

91100 of 135 items

Jesus is Your Good Shepherd

Download Life Guide            I expect that we’ve all experienced it to one degree or another—that feeling of loneliness. That feeling that we’re isolated from people, we have no real connection to anyone, we’re all alone—even if we’re in the middle of a crowd. For some of you, that feeling really hit when you lost […]

Be Imitators of Christ

Download Life Guide             Tell me, do you have someone in your life who you’ve used as a role model? Someone you look up to? Someone whose example you sought to follow? Maybe it’s a parent or a grandparent. Maybe it’s a co-worker or a celebrity of some kind. A number of years ago, Gatorade […]

Jesus Displays His Power over Demons

Download Life Guide             Tell me, do you think there is such a thing as an evil spirit? Are there actually demons roaming our world, influencing the lives of human beings? If something bad happens to you, if you have an unexplainable sickness, could you be under the spell of an evil spirit? Is it […]

The Word Became Flesh

Here’s a Christmas Day quiz for you: Of the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, how many contain an account of Jesus’s birth? Do you know? Let’s go through them. The first one is easy. The most complete account of Jesus’ birth is recorded in what book? Yes, the gospel of Luke, Chapter 2. […]

Surely the Day is Coming!

Download Life Guide So, are you counting the days until Christmas? I expect that some of you are. I expect that for some of you, especially the younger ones among us, Christmas can’t get here soon enough. You can’t wait to open those presents. For you, there are like too many days between now and […]

Remember the LORD your God

Tell me, what does Thanksgiving mean to you? Is it a big Butterball turkey? Or maybe this year it’s a ham. Or a goose. Or some grilled duck breasts on the side. For you, maybe it means stuffing—do you like it with raisins or without? And how about the veggies? Will it be green bean […]

Saved by Grace Alone

Download Life Guide             It’s a question that you’ve maybe been asked before. A question that you’ve maybe asked of others. On the other hand, it may be a question that you’ve never really thought about. A question that leaves you feeling a little uneasy. The question is simply this, “If you were to die […]

Move Forward in Faith

Download Life Guide             I expect that you’ve heard the expression that someone is “caught between a rock and a hard place.” It describes a person who basically has no good choices. He’s stuck. Can’t move forward. Can’t go back. Sometimes that expression applies to someone who is physically hemmed in.  He literally has no […]