Sermons by Pastor Priewe

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Thankful from the Inside Out

Thankful from the Inside Out Have you felt the cold? I’m not talking about the blustery cold November days. I’m talking about those cold moments when you feel yourself turning towards God with your hands stretched out in the air? When the only sensation you’ve got left in the daily numbness of it all is […]

One Way to One: Putting On the Armor of God

There’s a famous scene from the Academy award winning Best Picture, Braveheart. William Wallace, played by Mel Gibson, strides across the battlefield in front of his rag-tag army of men, martialed for battle. As his fellow Scotsmen are sizing up the enemy across the battlefield, they’re considering their options, the best of which seems to […]

A Christian’s Hymn of Joy

Let me tell you about a man well acquainted with death. As a boy, this man lost both his parents before the age of 14. He lived during a war that lasted 30-years long, during which soldiers entered his town and burned down 400 buildings, including his home and church. Not long after this, a […]

The Heart of the Sabbath

Ask a kid what he or she wants to be when they grow up, and you might hear all kinds of answers, “I want to be a doctor, firefighter, the quarterback for the Packers.” Have you ever heard a kid say, “I want to be a Christian, and on the side, I’d like to deliver […]

Hope Bears Fruit

Life Guide Life Guide – Leader’s Notes Resurrection Hope Bears Fruit John 15:1-8 Last week I watched the Livestream from the hospital room as this year’s Confirmation class was confirmed in the faith. Certainly not the way I anticipated I’d be watching but my wife and I watched with a special joy, since both of […]

The Peculiar Antidote: Look and Live!

Life Guide Life Guide – Leader’s Notes Has a detour ever done you in? You were on a long road trip to somewhere. Your back feels like it’s becoming part of the car seat. The kids are in the back asking every 5 minutes, “Are we there yet?” Your patience is wearing thin, then you […]