Sermons by Pastor Priewe

1120 of 75 items

The Cross is Crucial

Theme: The Cross is Crucial 1) For Christ and 2) For the Christian Have you ever been watching your favorite kind of action movie, you know the kind with Bruce Willis or Liam Neeson or Gerard Butler, and right when the “going starts to get rough”, you do a little bit of mental cheating? The […]

The Sower Sows the Seed of the Word

This summer I’ve been watching the nature part of Jesus’ “Parable of the Sower” play out in my wife’s garden. She sowed the seeds in late spring, and soon she declared war with the birds. We must have an extra vicious breed of sparrows and robins, that not only snatch away seed, but even the […]

Itching Ears Need to Hear the Truth

1) For their correction. 2) For their salvation Of all the weeks for it to happen, I suppose it was no coincidence it was this one. We were all coming back from our vacation in Alaska. As our plane began its final descent into Minneapolis, my ears began to ache from the changing pressure. Down […]

He Lives to Pour Out His Spirit

Do you know what the fastest growing religion in the world is? You might guess Islam or Hinduism, but that would only be true if you were talking about the amount of people who are automatically born into those religions. If you’re talking about the group that has the most people converting to it per […]

A Greater Kind of King

There’s a wonderful scene in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, the most famous of C.S. Lewis’s book series, The Chronicles of Narnia. A boy named Edmund has betrayed innocent blood, his own brothers and sisters, lured by the guise of the White Witch’s magically tasty pastries. He has also betrayed the Great Lion, […]

The Glory of the Lord

Picture yourself about to embark on a brave new journey. You’re venturing out of the nest into the great unknown, to your first day of college, where secular professors loom like hawks ready to swoop down and sink their claws into their favorite prey, fledgling Christians just learning to fly. Or you’re heading off to […]