Sermons by Pastor Priewe

110 of 75 items

The Trinity Made You Family

Some things are too good to be true and it’s important to be able to spot a scam when you see one. If suddenly you get an email that says you’ve inherited a million dollars from a long-lost relative who is a prince in Nigeria and all you need to do is put in your […]

Jesus Defines His Love and Ours

Life Guide What is Love? Jesus Defines His Love and Ours In the name of Jesus, the one who loves us and freed us from our sins by his own blood. There’s an entire of genre of music known as “Love Songs” which will give you a million different descriptions and definitions of love the […]

Teach. Learn. Switch.

Life Guide Today as we focus on Christian Education, we’ll consider a few thoughts from each of the texts we heard before. We’ll do so using this short outline to summarize and remember each section: Teach. Learn. Switch. First, we begin in Deuteronomy 6 with Moses’ instruction to teach. Moses gives this instruction to the […]

Comfort, Comfort All My People

Life Guide In the name of Jesus, the one whom our fathers eagerly waited for. Dear children of God, chosen to be his people. Is God really listening? More specifically, is he really listening to me? I suppose it would be too much to ask of anyone person to be listening and caring about everyone, […]

The King Bestows His Kingdom

Life Guide Matthew 25:31-46 31“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33He will put the sheep […]