Sundays After Pentecost

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Why some, and not others?

Tell me, have you ever wondered, “How can it be that two different people can hear the same Gospel of Jesus Christ, and one person believes it and the other person rejects it? How can it be that two children raised in the same family can end up at polar opposite ends of the religious […]

God’s Message for Wheat among Weeds

Download Life Guide It was a valid question, as they looked around and saw results much different than they expected. As the servants stood before a sea of wheat, slowly shaking their heads in disbelief that the field was suddenly overgrown with weeds, they couldn’t help but ask their master, “Sir, didn’t you sow good […]

An Intervention of Love

Download Life Guide I recently attended a workshop by MLC Professor Mark Paustian called “Communicating Christ in the 21st Century.” One of Prof. Paustian’s phrases stuck with me. “Our current cultural narrative strives to reach a point where no one is condemned for who they are or what they do.” Basically, society wants to establish […]

How Will You Deal with Persecution?

Download Life Guide Sometimes you see it in the headlines. Sometimes you don’t. In Libya, 21 Christians are put to the sword by ISIS fighters. In Egypt, Palm Sunday services are shattered by a bomb that kills dozens of Coptic Christians. In North Korea, hundreds, if not thousands, of Christian men, women and children are […]

The Harvest is Plentiful

Download Life Guide In their most recent study the Pew Research Center reported that of the over 7 billion people on earth roughly 30 % of them are Christian. The most recent estimates put the number of total deaths on this planet at about 150,000 people per day… or an average of 2 people each […]

God’s Grace Made Paul a Model Minister

Download Life Guide In my work as a member of our synod’s Assignment Committee, I have the great privilege of helping to assign young pastors to their first congregation. It’s a responsibility that no one on the committee takes lightly. We study the needs of each congregation requesting a pastor and then we pore over […]