Sundays After Pentecost

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He Commands his Angels Concerning You

Life Guide Life Guide – Leader’s Guide Family Devotional Guide Let’s pray. Father in heaven, look down from above Bless Mommy and Daddy and all whom I love Let angels watch over my slumber and when The morning is breaking, awake me. Amen. A fabulous bedtime prayer for little ones. Children, if you’re scared of […]

Consider Your Net Worth

Download Life Guide     “Zank, you’re in the game. Tell the quarterback: Right 46, tight end quick slant, on two.” This was my big chance to impress Coach Ambrosino. I was a Junior at D.C. Everest High School and a tight end on our varsity football team. Not only was the coach putting me in […]

Bring Salvation to the Ends of the Earth

Download Life Guide  The year was 1986. The place, Mequon Wisconsin. The event, call day at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. My bride-to-be and I sat in the auditorium waiting to hear where in the world I would be assigned to begin my career in the Pastoral Ministry. As you might expect, there were some nervous jitters. […]

Does God Care About Me?

Download Life Guide  In the movie in your mind, blank black screen. (BUM BUM). Date in white letters, 630 BC. The black screen opens to an aerial shot of Jerusalem. You can see the palace and the temple, and just to the north the New Quarter of the city, and the city wall with an […]

The Power of Weakness

Download Life Guide I’ve got a microphone here, and I’d like a volunteer to come up… and share all of their weaknesses and struggles with everyone. What, no takers? That’s not overly surprising. We don’t really like highlighting our weaknesses and struggles, right? Most people try burying their weaknesses so no one else sees them. […]

There Was a War in Heaven

Download Life Guide  Tell me, have you ever thought about how your life today has been impacted by wars that were fought hundreds or even thousands of years ago? Do you realize how different your life would be if just one or two military battles somewhere in history had gone a different way? For example, […]

How Valuable is the Kingdom of Heaven?

Download Life Guide  So at my house, especially before I got married, I handled my finances. I can balance a checkbook, pay my own taxes. Now I’ve even got my Taco Bell budget down under $200/month. So you’ll agree I can handle finances. Good. Then if anyone would like to bring your checkbook up to […]

A Family Growing in Christ

Download Life Guide  It’s Thanksgiving, and you can’t wait to celebrate with your family. Pushing through the open front door, you expect to be warmly greeted. But instead, as you enter, a few family members glance up with half-hearted smiles. Others don’t even seem to notice you. As you sit down next to someone to […]