
3140 of 40 items

Why Bother with the Bible?

Have you every stopped to consider why you do what you do?  For example, what are you doing right now?  You are about to listen to a guy preach a sermon based on a book that was written between 2 and 4 thousand years ago.  Really?  Why would you do that?  How could that possibly […]

Giving Our Kids God’s Best

I’ll never forget the feeling of cradling our baby girl in my arms just after she was born. She was so tiny, so new. I remember thinking how she had her whole life ahead of her. And though she was only minutes old, my mind was spinning with all the good things I wanted for […]

To Live Wisely, Be Filled!

Would you call yourself a wise person? Would you define your life as one wisely lived? You might think that’s kind of a subjective question. Some of you consider your life and think “Yeah, I think I am pretty wise from my experiences, from years of school and work.” But maybe you’re thinking of foolish […]

Bread for the Journey

You’ve all heard of the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, right? It’s a common way we explain that enormous gap that exists between winning and losing. It’s quite a different feeling being the general who accepts the enemy’s surrender than being the general who is doing the surrendering. It’s thrilling when the […]

Paying it Forward

There’s a pretty prominent concept in our society called “paying it forward.” Anyone heard of it? For those who haven’t, it’s the idea is you do something nice for a stranger. Then, they’ll doing something nice for another stranger. A chain of nice grows person by person, and ideally these actions make the world a […]

Focus on the finish line

Dear fellow children of God: This is the old Bible history book that we used for family devotions for a number of years. Did you know that of the usual heroes of faith we think of in the pages of Scripture: Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David and the apostle Paul: none of them come close […]