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Pentecost Empowers Your Purpose

Download Life Guide You were just hired to work in a carpentry shop. Your first day on the job, your boss assigns you the task of making a beautiful cabinet. Excited for your first project, you grab the necessary lumber, and ask your boss where he keeps the tools. He responds, “Oh…yeah, sorry! We don’t […]

The Lord Came Down

Download Life Guide In the 1920s the economy was flourishing in the United States and business leaders were pouring their profits right back into industry. One of the leading companies, General Motors, was doing very well and their President, a man named John Jacob Raskob, wanted to extend his reach into the real estate world […]

There’s No Place Like Home

When I graduated from high school I was like most 18 year olds.  I couldn’t wait to get to college.  Living away from home, away from my parents’ rules, with no curfews and no chores.  And so off I went to Northwestern College in Watertown, a whole 90 miles away from home, moved into a […]

The Best is Yet to Come!

A pastor learned that there were serious problems at his former congregation. It had become riddled with cliques and divisions over which pastor people preferred, between rich vs poor, between those who considered themselves more spiritual and those they judged to be less so. The arguments resulted in chaos in worship services and at church […]

An Antidote for Addiction?

Let me tell you about three people. The first is a young woman… who after years of turning to food for joy and comfort finally realizes she’s been using food to try fill a void… but now she’s stuck… stuck in the endless cycle of dieting and binging… stuck in the endless cycle of depression… […]

The Financial Prayer of a Wise Man

A question for you.  If you had the opportunity to take an all-expense paid vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?  Would you go to Hawaii or the Bahamas or maybe take a fishing trip to Alaska or a shopping trip in Paris.  If you could afford to purchase whatever your heart desired, […]

Does Marriage Matter?


1 out of every 2. According to recent research carried out by the American Psychological Association, 40-50% of marriages now end in divorce. Not surprisingly, with the large number of divorces, couples are living together before marriage more than ever before. A 2013 study reported that 75% of women 30 and younger had lived with […]