Sermons from 2019

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I Am He

Have you ever thought about how often, during his earthly ministry, Jesus didn’t come right out and say who he was? I mean, for example, you think about the conversation that Jesus had with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well. Jesus doesn’t open the conversation with, “You know who I am, don’t you?” No, he […]

See Jesus’ Determined Love

Download Life Guide  In the name of him who loves you, who longs for you, who will come for you, dear Christian friends, The young woman plopped herself onto the couch in my office in the dormitory. She wasn’t sure if she wanted her fiancé to become her husband. She loved him and he loved […]

A Champion…for You

Download Life Guide  Two warriors meet in a desolate no-man’s land, armed and ready for battle. They fight not only for their own personal fame and fortune, but as substitutes, representatives of the army they belong to. These ancient warriors were called “Champions.” The best warriors their people could offer. Sometimes as an appetizer to […]

Love One Another

What Jesus wants is not complicated. What Jesus wants is short and simple. “This is my will, my one command, that love should dwell in each in all.” In fact it’s so simple that we can express it in three words of truth. All our Wednesday night Lenten service will focus on Three Words of […]

A Glimpse of Glory

Download Life Guide             Tell me, have you ever gone to a very high place that gave you a breathtaking view of the scenery around you? Maybe you hiked to the south rim of the Grand Canyon or rode an elevator to the top of the Empire State Building or climbed the fire tower at […]

Love for the Undeserving

Download Life Guide It had been 22 years since they’d sold him. As he was led away towards a life of slavery, you can imagine the terrified 17-year old’s eyes, searching his brothers for any sign of compassion or love. He found none. But now, two decades later, he was looking down at their terrified […]

Jesus Blesses His Disciples

Download Life Guide  One of my pastor-friends recently told me his whole philosophy of ministry could be summed up by an REM song: Everybody hurts. I think he’s right. What hurts in your life? Let me ask it a better way: If Jesus shook your hand after the service, what would you ask him to […]

Accomplish Something Great

Download Life Guide In a recent book called “The Millennials,” author Thom Rainer reports that “96% of millennials believe they will someday accomplish something great” with their lives. That might not seem all that surprising. After all, regardless of the generation, not too many kids dream of growing up to be total slackers, right? But […]