Sermons from 2018

4150 of 60 items

“To Whom Shall We Go?”

Confirmands, can I tell you something really important? This is NOT your graduation. Parents, can I tell you something really important? This is NOT your kids’ graduation. Yes, there will be parties, family celebrations, and special meals. There will be cards, gifts, and pictures. You even get to wear a robe. But this is NOT […]

Jesus is Your Good Shepherd

Download Life Guide            I expect that we’ve all experienced it to one degree or another—that feeling of loneliness. That feeling that we’re isolated from people, we have no real connection to anyone, we’re all alone—even if we’re in the middle of a crowd. For some of you, that feeling really hit when you lost […]

Living with “He Is Risen Indeed” Peace

Download Life Guide “He is Risen!” “He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!” Just a week ago, we celebrated my absolute favorite day of the year, Easter Sunday. The joy of the comforting message of the Risen Christ, the beautiful music, the powerful shouts of “He is Risen Indeed!” Even my Facebook newsfeed transformed from a spiteful […]

A Meal of Promise

Have you ever been disappointed with a meal? I’m not talking about the fries at McDonald’s being cold, or the gas station burrito you gambled on for lunch being your day’s biggest regret. Those are meals you might expect to be disappointed with. No, I’m talking about being disappointed with a meal you thought would […]

Be Imitators of Christ

Download Life Guide             Tell me, do you have someone in your life who you’ve used as a role model? Someone you look up to? Someone whose example you sought to follow? Maybe it’s a parent or a grandparent. Maybe it’s a co-worker or a celebrity of some kind. A number of years ago, Gatorade […]