Sermons from 2016

6163 of 63 items

Looking for a Miracle?

Download Life Guide Dad is dying. It’s cancer. The doctors have done everything they can, but it looks like he only has a few months to live. The family believes in God. They pray confidently every day because they know who God is and what he has the power to do. “God…we need a miracle. […]

Christ appeared to save us

Download Life Guide Today is an interesting day here at church. Today marks the beginning of our observance of a new season of the church year we call Epiphany. Epiphany actually began this past Wednesday. 12 days after Christmas every year… for centuries… the Christian Church has remembered how the Magi came from a foreign […]

A Christmas gift worth keeping

Download Life Guide The past couple of weeks have been very busy for Michael Ringelsten. Who’s Michael Ringelsten you ask? He’s a guy who runs a massive operation outside of Chicago where he buys literally truckloads filled with returned merchandise that was ordered online… and he takes it and with an army of employees sorts […]