Sermons from 2016

5160 of 63 items

Watch Your Step!

Download Life Guide “Mind…the gap. Mind…the gap. Mind…the gap.” If you’ve ever used the London Underground subway system, then you might know that phrase. For those who don’t know, “mind the gap” is played on an audio loop over a loudspeaker each time a subway train pulls up to a station platform. Aside from being […]

Not During the Feast

Very often in life… timing is everything. If your timing is good… things will go well… if your timing is off a bit… it can be disastrous. A good example of this is what happened back in 2010 at a Houston Rockets basketball game. Many of you have probably seen a video of someone proposing […]

Turn to the Word


Download Life Guide People love competition. Last weekend the Super Bowl became the third most watched broadcast in television history with 111.9 million TV viewers. Can you guess the top two most watched shows of all time? The Super Bowls the previous two years! And it’s not just the commercials people tune in to watch… it’s the competition. […]

This Man Went Home Justified

If I were to say to you, “Oh, now I think you’re just trying to justify what you did,” would you take that as a compliment?  Would that be a good thing, that you’re trying to justify yourself?  No, probably not.  In our language today, in our culture, the word justify has the connotation of […]

Let the Word be Heard

Download Life Guide It has been called our theme song, our mission statement, and even our “battle hymn.” (Although I have to say that last one may be a little dramatic.) Many times I have heard people say things like that about Hymn 293 in our hymnal, “God’s Word is our Great Heritage.” Reflecting on […]

Choose a Job you Love

Download Life Guide “Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life.” That is the old statement from Confucius, a Chinese philosopher that lived about 500 years before Christ. “Choose a job you love.” That is something that is hard for many of us to do, isn’t it? We […]