Sermons on Christmas Day (Page 2)

The Word Became Flesh

Here’s a Christmas Day quiz for you: Of the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, how many contain an account of Jesus’s birth? Do you know? Let’s go through them. The first one is easy. The most complete account of Jesus’ birth is recorded in what book? Yes, the gospel of Luke, Chapter 2.…

Meet God…in a Manger

This Christmas morning, I want you to use your imaginations. First, imagine that you know absolutely nothing about God. Second, imagine you’re driving around Appleton. As you drive, you pass a church, whose sign invites you, “Meet God here today!” Your curiosity piqued, you turn into the parking lot and walk inside. As an usher…

God sent us His Son

How often through the years I’ve imagined the scene of Christ’s birth – the dingy stable, the lowly manger, the swaddling clothes, Mary and Joseph and the shepherds. It is all quite a sight. But I must confess that seldom, if ever have I tried to picture the scene from the Christ-child’s point of view. Oh, I know, he was only a…