Sermons by Pastor Schreiner (Page 7)

“To Whom Shall We Go?”

Confirmands, can I tell you something really important? This is NOT your graduation. Parents, can I tell you something really important? This is NOT your kids’ graduation. Yes, there will be parties, family celebrations, and special meals. There will be cards, gifts, and pictures. You even get to wear a robe. But this is NOT…

“To Whom Shall We Go?”

Confirmands, can I tell you something really important? This is NOT your graduation. Parents, can I tell you something really important? This is NOT your kids’ graduation. Yes, there will be parties, family celebrations, and special meals. There will be cards, gifts, and pictures. You even get to wear a robe. But this is NOT…

A Meal of Promise

Have you ever been disappointed with a meal? I’m not talking about the fries at McDonald’s being cold, or the gas station burrito you gambled on for lunch being your day’s biggest regret. Those are meals you might expect to be disappointed with. No, I’m talking about being disappointed with a meal you thought would…

A Meal of Promise

Have you ever been disappointed with a meal? I’m not talking about the fries at McDonald’s being cold, or the gas station burrito you gambled on for lunch being your day’s biggest regret. Those are meals you might expect to be disappointed with. No, I’m talking about being disappointed with a meal you thought would…

Weak Fools for the Cross

Download Life Guide “Alexamenos worships his god.” Around 200 A.D., an unknown Roman citizen carved that phrase in Latin into a wall near the Palatine Hill in Rome. Accompanying the phrase was a crudely etched picture which depicts a young man, presumably “Alexamenos,” worshiping a man with a donkey head…hanging on a cross. You get…

Weak Fools for the Cross

Download Life Guide “Alexamenos worships his god.” Around 200 A.D., an unknown Roman citizen carved that phrase in Latin into a wall near the Palatine Hill in Rome. Accompanying the phrase was a crudely etched picture which depicts a young man, presumably “Alexamenos,” worshiping a man with a donkey head…hanging on a cross. You get…

Consequences, Crosses, and Christ

Download Life Guide There’s an old phrase used by German theologians that I’ve always found interesting. “Das Liebe Kreuz.” For those who don’t “sprechen sie deutsch,” that means “The dear cross.” When you understand that the cross was a torture device used to execute the vilest criminals, “The dear cross” is kind of like saying,…

Consequences, Crosses, and Christ

Download Life Guide There’s an old phrase used by German theologians that I’ve always found interesting. “Das Liebe Kreuz.” For those who don’t “sprechen sie deutsch,” that means “The dear cross.” When you understand that the cross was a torture device used to execute the vilest criminals, “The dear cross” is kind of like saying,…