Welcome! We are so glad you found us! 

We offer many worship opportunities with varied styles. Check them all out and see what’s right for you. Our service is printed and projected on the screen. If you have any questions or need assistance, ushers with name tags are available in the back of the church.

  • Saturday 5:30 pm  – Our Saturday evening service incorporates traditional Lutheran liturgy with blended music hymnody and a relaxed atmosphere as we proclaim the timeless truths of God’s Word.
  • Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 am (after Memorial Day) or 10:30 am (after Labor Day) – Sunday morning services primarily feature traditional Lutheran liturgy and hymnody. The organ leads congregational singing of hymns, psalms, and liturgy songs.
  • Monday 6:00 pm – This service mimics Sunday in a more relaxed evening atmosphere.

If you haven’t worshiped with us before, here is what you can expect. 

  • Restrooms are in the school hallway, which is on your right as you exit the back of the sanctuary. 
  • The Infants Room is available if you have a young child or nursing infant and need a cry room. It is to the left in the narthex as you exit the sanctuary. A TV allows you to view the service still. 
  • Children’s Bulletins can be found on the rack on the right side of the narthex as you exit the sanctuary.
  • Personal Listening Devices for the hearing impaired are available on the racks on the right side of the narthex as you exit the sanctuary.
  • Ushers with name tags are available at the back of the church if you have any questions or need assistance.
  • Holy Communion is available on the first and third weekend of the month for all services (Saturday through Monday). We practice “Close” Communion. Visitors from our sister congregations in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) and ELS are welcome to commune with us. If you are a visitor and wish to commune, please speak to one of our Pastors before the service.