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In Need of Some R&R

Download Life Guide Do you have your summer vacations planned yet? Whether it’s Disney or camping, your cottage or your timeshare in Hawaii, the itch really starts this time of year; that persistent voice calling, “It’s time for you to get some R&R!”—rest and relaxation. So we head off on our vacations, certain that rest…

In Need of Some R&R

Download Life Guide Do you have your summer vacations planned yet? Whether it’s Disney or camping, your cottage or your timeshare in Hawaii, the itch really starts this time of year; that persistent voice calling, “It’s time for you to get some R&R!”—rest and relaxation. So we head off on our vacations, certain that rest…

Faith in the Unfathomable

Download Life Guide What would you say is the most unfathomable thing about God? Mysteries that are beyond our ability to logically understand? I’ll give you three choices. Would you say A.) The Triune God, that God is three distinct persons, but just one God?  B.) The dual nature of Christ—that Jesus is both 100%…

Faith in the Unfathomable

Download Life Guide What would you say is the most unfathomable thing about God? Mysteries that are beyond our ability to logically understand? I’ll give you three choices. Would you say A.) The Triune God, that God is three distinct persons, but just one God?  B.) The dual nature of Christ—that Jesus is both 100%…

Jesus Intercedes for You

Download Life Guide Tell me, have you ever been in a situation where you knew you were in trouble with someone in authority? You broke the rules and you knew you would have to face the consequences. And the whole matter left you feeling a little sick to your stomach. I expect that we’ve all…