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I. What Zechariah Doubted II. God, in Mercy, Fulfilled Tell me, have you ever been in a situation where you saw or heard something that seemed too good to be true? You just couldn’t believe it? Maybe you stopped at a rummage sale and you found an item that was like brand new, still in…
Life Guide Life Guide – Leader’s Notes (Isaiah 40:1-11) Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. 2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins. 3 A voice of one…
Life Guide Life Guide – Leader’s Notes (Isaiah 40:1-11) Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. 2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins. 3 A voice of one…
Life Guide Life Guide – Leader’s Notes (Isaiah 40:1-11) Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. 2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins. 3 A voice of one…
Life Guide Life Guide – Leader’s Notes (Isaiah 40:1-11) Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. 2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins. 3 A voice of one…
Life Guide Life Guide – Leader’s Notes (Isaiah 40:1-11) Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. 2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins. 3 A voice of one…
Life Guide Life Guide – Leader’s Notes (Isaiah 40:1-11) Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. 2 Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins. 3 A voice of one…
In the name of the God who gives live to the dead and calls into being things that were not, brothers and sisters in Christ. I felt like I had been lied to, like a promise that had been made to me, was being broken over and over again. I was cold and alone and…
In the name of the God who gives live to the dead and calls into being things that were not, brothers and sisters in Christ. I felt like I had been lied to, like a promise that had been made to me, was being broken over and over again. I was cold and alone and…
In the name of the God who gives live to the dead and calls into being things that were not, brothers and sisters in Christ. I felt like I had been lied to, like a promise that had been made to me, was being broken over and over again. I was cold and alone and…