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Latest Sermons

Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

Download Life Guide A question for you.  Do you think it’s wrong for a Christian to buy a lottery ticket?  I’m not asking, “Do you think it’s a good investment?  Or do you think you have a good chance of winning it all?”  I’m asking, “Is it wrong for a Christian to purchase a chance to become a millionaire?”  I’d love to…

Love for the unlovable

Download Life Guide Can you remember the first time you had your heart broken? For those of you who are still kind of young maybe that hasn’t happened yet… But I’m talking about a time when someone you loved did something that completely destroyed a relationship with you. A friend who stabbed you in the back and never spoke to you again……

Is Jesus Worth It?

Download Life Guide “How much will this cost me?” As cost-conscious consumers, you probably ask, or at least think that question often. Whether it’s waiting for car repairs, wheeling an overflowing cart to the Festival checkout line, or hearing your daughter say, “I need a new dress for homecoming,” we’re almost constantly asking, “How much will this cost me?” But knowing the…

What True Humility Looks Like

Have you ever been to a nice dinner where someone made things really… really… awkward? Maybe the way they were dressed, what they were saying, how they were acting… it just made everyone uneasy…? Now, while that’s not a whole lot of fun to deal with… have you ever stopped to consider that sometimes being put in those awkward spots is really…

A House Divided

As a history nerd, I’ve always found the American Civil War fascinating. For me, one of the most intriguing aspects is the many personal relationships between the Union and Confederate armies. There are many stories of father-in-law fighting against son-in-law. Men who stood in each other’s weddings, standing as enemies on the battlefield. Former classmates or colleagues turned foes. Even brother against…

How to Pray Persistently

Have you ever heard of Sisyphus? Sisyphus is a character from Greek mythology, a king whose calling card was deceitful craftiness. He was so crafty, that he even managed to pull one over on the gods a couple times. Now, the Greek gods weren’t amused when humans made them look bad, so they punished Sisyphus, making him push a huge boulder up…

One Thing Is Needed

Download Life Guide It’s unbelievably easy for life to get unbearably busy. When life seems to be pulling you in so many different directions, how often do we take quiet time to sit at the feet of our Savior and listen to him speak to us in his Word? It’s easy to think of that as a chore to complete, or as…