Sermons on End Time (Page 7)

We don’t want you to be ignorant…

What sorts of feelings and emotions do these images evoke? A casket. A funeral coach. A cemetery. You may know people who begin to panic at the mere sight of such things. For many people “death” is a most unpleasant topic – one they will avoid at all costs. Maybe you don’t like to think or talk about death. There may be…

The End is Near…So Be Joyful!

If you’ve ever ventured downtown in a heavily populated city, you’ve probably seen them. Men, sometimes women, and even children, equipped with sandwich boards and bullhorns; holding cardboard signs, with a Sharpie scrawled message: THE END IS NEAR!  Spit flies from their lips as they scream at each passerby, “Repent, you sinners, or you’ll BURN in the fires of HELL forever! The…

Watch & Witness

When I was a sophomore in high school I was not always the most attentive student… especially when it came to math class. One day I was sitting right next to the wall in our algebra II classroom… and as the class seemed to drag on I leaned my head against the wall… and before I knew it, my eyes were closed and I…