Sermons by Pastor Raasch (Page 28)

Mary is Expecting a Baby

It’s an announcement which typically brings joy to the hearts of those who hear it. The announcement made by that young couple recently married, when they share the good news, “We’re expecting a baby!” Isn’t that right? I mean, it’s got to be right up there with “I just got engaged!” After that announcement, the second most exciting announcement—the one that is…

How Do You See Jesus?

Download Life Guide Last week Tuesday, our nation went to the polls to elect the next president of the United States. And when the results were announced, half of our nation went into celebration, and half went into shock. Half saw the election as a tremendous victory and half saw it as a crushing defeat. Many saw the winning candidate is the…

Whose Slave Are You?

Download Life Guide Back in the day, when I was in high school, we called it “Initiation.”  It was the time-honored tradition of breaking in the new crop of freshman.  At Martin Luther Academy, where I went to High School, freshmen were called Fuchses, and for the first week of the school year, we dressed up the fuchses, and marched them around…

Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

Download Life Guide A question for you.  Do you think it’s wrong for a Christian to buy a lottery ticket?  I’m not asking, “Do you think it’s a good investment?  Or do you think you have a good chance of winning it all?”  I’m asking, “Is it wrong for a Christian to purchase a chance to become a millionaire?”  I’d love to…

How Do I Deal with an Unbelieving World?

Over the past two weeks, our sermons have focused on the importance of relationships, be they the relationships we have within our families (the bond between husband and wife, and parents and children), or the relationship we have with this family of believers we call Mount Olive.  Because God has bonded us together with the bonds of faith, we have much in…