Sermons by Pastor Raasch (Page 26)

Remember the LORD your God

Tell me, what does Thanksgiving mean to you? Is it a big Butterball turkey? Or maybe this year it’s a ham. Or a goose. Or some grilled duck breasts on the side. For you, maybe it means stuffing—do you like it with raisins or without? And how about the veggies? Will it be green bean…

Saved by Grace Alone

Download Life Guide             It’s a question that you’ve maybe been asked before. A question that you’ve maybe asked of others. On the other hand, it may be a question that you’ve never really thought about. A question that leaves you feeling a little uneasy. The question is simply this, “If you were to die…

Move Forward in Faith

Download Life Guide             I expect that you’ve heard the expression that someone is “caught between a rock and a hard place.” It describes a person who basically has no good choices. He’s stuck. Can’t move forward. Can’t go back. Sometimes that expression applies to someone who is physically hemmed in.  He literally has no…

“I must lose my life!”

Download Life Guide Just for a minute, I want you to imagine that you’re having a family reunion at your house. Grandpa and grandma are there, aunts and uncles, some cousins. Everyone is laughing and having a good time—everyone except grandpa, that is. On this day, Grandpa seems a little distracted, not quite himself—until someone…

Jesus is Praying for You

Download Life Guide I’ve been thinking a lot about my nephew Caleb lately. Two weeks ago Caleb Raasch finished his first year at Martin Luther College, studying to be a pastor. He tells me he loves Latin. Loves Greek. Well, last Monday, Caleb left for boot camp, because in addition to studying for the ministry,…