Mount Olive Moms is a ministry designed for moms of all generations, providing a space to support, encourage, and uplift one another through every stage of motherhood. It’s a place where moms can unwind, enjoy refreshments, engage with teachings on relevant topics, and build meaningful relationships.

Rooted in biblical principles, our program centers on the Titus 2 model—encouraging older women to teach and inspire younger women in their family relationships. Our pilot program begins this spring, meeting on select Tuesday mornings from February to May, with plans to offer an evening option in the future.

At each gathering, moms will: 

  1. Join us as a large group for practical, biblically-based teaching on parenting.
  2. Relax and enjoy refreshments and a light meal.
  3. Connect in small groups led by experienced mothers (mentor moms) to share, support, and encourage one another through meaningful conversations and discussion.

2025 Dates 

  1. Tuesday, February 4, 2025, 9-10:30 am
  2. Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 9-10:30 am
  3. Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 9-10:30 am
  4. Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 9-10:30 am
  5. Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 9-10:30 am
  6. Tuesday, April 22, 2025, 9-10:30 am
  7. Tuesday, May 6, 2025, 9-10:30 am

Where: Mount Olive Commons


We will study together bestselling authors and national hosts of FamilyLife Today, Dave and Ann Wilson’s book, No Perfect Parents, and discuss essential topics like learning to discipline without losing your mind or causing more chaos, the parenting guilt trip, the teen years, and the top five parenting mistakes.


The cost for registration for the 2025 year is $40 per mom. We also ask for an additional $25 per child utilizing childcare. The registration fees go straight back into the ministry, helping to offset costs such as:

  • Special events
  • Curriculum materials
  • Guest speaker honorariums
  • Compensation for childcare team members
  • Hospitality supplies and refreshments

Scholarships Available

Can’t make the registration fee work with your budget? A scholarship option is available! Contact us to learn more, or simply indicate your interest in scholarship opportunities on your registration form.

Sponsor a Mom

If you and your family are in a season where you can bless another mom, consider sponsoring her registration fee by contributing to our scholarship fund.


We are looking for volunteers to help with childcare and baking!

Support MOL Moms

We invite you to join us in supporting this growing ministry! Whether you can volunteer your time, contribute financially, or commit to praying for MOL Moms, we would love your support. Contact us if you are interested in supporting MOL Moms.

Examples of how you can support this ministry include:

  • Pray for the ministry and the moms who participate
  • Provide childcare for the morning program
  • Serve as a greeter/door holder at the start of our gatherings
  • Provide breakfast items or coffee for one of our gatherings
  • Become a mentor mom
  • Encourage and pray for the mentor moms
  • Contribute financially


Please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our planning committee members or email [email protected].

  • Heidi Krause
  • Carrie Vander Heyden
  • Carissa Priewe
  • Kerri Kleist
  • Amanda Chavez

Thanks to all the support of 922 Moms and St. Marks Ministries, who helped launch this new ministry!